Time for Transmog: Night Elves

Yesterday I posted about the transmogs for my three cloth wearing classes (there will eventually be more of those, but not until the new toons hit 90).  Today I will talk about the night elves, for me this is my hunter, Troutwort, and my druid, Sibelius.  Sibelius is wearing a matching set while Troutwort’s was completely crafted of low level quest items, dungeon gear from LK, and some other pieces that matched really well that I forgot I had.  I’ll start with Sibelius.



Sibelius is sporting the Stormrage Recolour.  He’s a Balance Druid and this set pulls both arcane elements in with its color motif while the patterns suggest nature.  This is perfect for a balance druid.  I looked at the original, but the greens and browns were too natural for a balance druid, in my opinion.  Druids though don’t usually get to show off their outfits, but fortunately I have the glyph that allows me to be in caster form rather than moonkin form.  Nothing against the giant owl, it’s just that I want to show off this outfit.   The hardest part of this set wasn’t collecting the pieces, that was fairly easy.  The hard part was the weapon.  Finding something both natural and arcane was the goal here.  Eventually after what seemed like hours of searching I found one and fortunately hadn’t done the quest yet, so I could still get it!  Yay!  I think the whole thing comes together nicely, even if some people in the guild said it was ugly or that it’s purple.  It’s not purple!  LOL

Head:  Moon-Crown Antlers
Shoulders:  Lunar-Claw Pauldrons
Chest:  Starry Robes of the Crescent
Back:  Perfectly Balanced Cape
Gloves:  Grips of the Lunar Eclipse
Belt:  Moonrage Girdle
Feet:  Stormrage Boots
Weapon:  Staff of Draconic Pacification



Troutwort’s transmogrification is by far my most favorite of all my toons.  I think partly because I made it up on my own, but also because it really came together nicely.  The interesting thing about wearing mail is that items under level 40 designed for warriors or paladins can be used in your final transmog, so you have access to stuff you wouldn’t have picked up while leveling.  Of course though, Trout leveled up so long ago that all the quests reset with Cataclysm and it didn’t matter.  I commented over on Bocat’s blog that I usually start with the shoulders and build the outfit around that.  I did exactly that in this case.  Some shoulders can be very overwhelming…I’m looking at you Windrunner’s Spaulders.  So I wanted to make sure they weren’t too big on a night elf.  I spent way too long looking for the right stuff.  But I picked something out…back in 2011, apparently.  I stuck to most of the original form, but there were a few minor tweaks.  Overall, I’m very satisfied.  I particularly like that it looks like mail, on almost every piece in this set there is the chainmail/scale look–I think that’s important.  I like him helm-free as well, I don’t think a hunter would wear a helm to hinder his good hearing.  Finally the crossbow fit in surprisingly nicely and sort of looks like he’s mounted a trophy kill on his weapon.

Head:  none
Shoulders:  Chillwind Pauldrons
Chest:  Chestguard of Bravery
Back:  Shroud of Reverberation
Gloves:  Gleaning Gloves
Belt:  Banded Girdle
Pants:  Abandoned Leggings (just who abandoned them?!?)
Feet:  Boneshard Boots
Weapon:  Amanitar Skullbow

More transmogs soon!  I’ve got the paladin and shaman yet…and the rogue, but he’s not finished so too bad…his items come from Naxx-10, which I can’t solo, so it’ll be awhile.

2 Responses to “Time for Transmog: Night Elves”

  1. wolfgangcat Says:

    The Stormrage looks awesome and I can’t believe how absolutely perfect the weapon fits with it!
    It’s definitely not purple and that’s actually refreshing. There is so much “purple” armor I sometimes wonder if the artists know about any other colors lol.

    You did a great job on the hunter outfit – exactly something a hunter would wear! Makes me wonder though…what heck was that scary-looking creature he killed to mount on his bow? 😉

    • Troutwort Says:

      That was the only weapon that I was capable of getting that looked decent with that outfit. There was one from Ulduar that looked okay and one from SoO. So yeah, I’ll stick with this one. I like the beetle on it though. It’ll be a nice touch for when I get Insect Swarm back in WoD. 😛

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